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See also: Louisiana Nurses
Baton Rouge General Medical Center / School
of Nursing:"Offering A Diploma Program in Registered
NursingThe Baton Rouge General School of
Nursing offers a comprehensive learning environment
for students wishing to pursue opportunities
in the Nursing profession." *****************************************************
Delgado Community College / Charity School
of Nursing (CNA, LPN, ADN):"One of Delgado’s greatest success stories
is our Charity School of Nursing. Ranked
8th in the nation among associate degree
nursing programs, the school consistently
has one of the highest pass rates on the
national licensing exam. As well as being
nationally known, Charity School of Nursing
was named “Nursing School of the Year” by
the Louisiana State Nurses Association at
the Louisiana Nurses Foundation 2004 Nightingale
Awards Centennial Celebration held in Baton
Rouge in January 2004." *****************************************************
Delta College / Nursing Program (ADN):"The ADN program prepares you to function
effectively as a member of the health care
team. This program requires a strong commitment
to critical thinking, team collaboration,
leadership, and development of sound clinical
knowledge and skills. As a graduate nurse,
you will be qualified for employment in structured
settings: for example, acute care hospitals,
extended care facilities, nursing homes,
and clinics. Upon successfully completing
this Program, you are eligible to take the
Registered Nurse licensure exam." *****************************************************
Dillard University / Division of Nursing (BSN):
"The Division of Nursing was established in
1942 and became the fifth academic division
of Dillard University. The Division of Nursing
has the distinction of being the first National
League for Nursing accredited program in
the state of Louisiana. The nursing program
has maintained national accreditation since
1952 and completed a site visit by the National
League for Nursing Accrediting Commission
in November 1992." *****************************************************
Grambling State University / School of Nursing
(BSN, MSN):"The mission of the Grambling State University
School of Nursing Baccalaureate Program is
to prepare graduates to assume the roles
of beginning practitioners of professional
nursing." *****************************************************
Louisiana College - Rife & Carolyn Saunders
Division of Nursing (BSN):"Louisiana College's Division of Nursing emphasizes
the preparation of nurses as leaders prepared
to serve mankind through various professional
approaches and to serve God through examined
faith." *****************************************************
Louisiana State University - Alexandria -
Division of Nursing (ADN):"The Department of Nursing offers courses
that lead to the Associate in Nursing degree
(ADN). The ADN program is fully approved
by the Louisiana State Board of Nursing and
accredited by the National League for Nursing
Accrediting Commission. Admission to the
program is competitive, and applicants must
follow the specific application procedures
described in the Catalog and the Nursing
Student Handbook. Individuals who hold the
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) credential
are encouraged to apply for the accelerated
LPN-to-ADN program track (ALT)." *****************************************************
Louisiana State University - Eunice / Division
of Nursing (ASN):"Graduates of the associate of science degree
program in nursing are eligible to write
the licensing examination for registered
nurses administered by the Louisiana State
Board of Nursing. As registered nurses, they
are employed by hospitals, extended care
facilities, and other health care institutions." *****************************************************
Louisiana State University Health Sciences
Center / School of Nursing (BSN, MSN, PhD):"Welcome to the Louisiana State University
Health Sciences Center School of Nursing.
The School offers degree programs in three
levels of Nursing education: Bachelor of
Science in Nursing; Master of Nursing; and
Doctor of Nursing Science. The Office of
Nursing Research and Evaluation facilitates
and promotes the development of nursing research
programs and scholarly activities within
the School of Nursing as well as promotes
continuous quality improvement within the
School of Nursing." *****************************************************
Louisiana Tech University / Division of Nursing (ADN):"The Division of Nursing offers two tracks
of study for the preparation of beginning
practitioners of nursing. The on-campus program
is a seven quarter curriculum offered to
students upon acceptance into the nursing
program. The accelerated (extension) program
provides an opportunity for licensed practical
nurses with one year of clinical experience
to pursue the Associate of Science Degree
in Nursing through advanced placement in
the program." *****************************************************
Loyola University New Orleans - City College
/ Department of Nursing (BSN, MSN):"The primary mission of the Baccalaureate
of Science in Nursing Program of Loyola University
is to prepare nurse generalists who possess
professional competencies to provide and
coordinate client care in a variety of settings.
The curriculum is designed to achieve this
end. Through upper division nursing studies,
the curriculum offers the opportunity for
high quality professional nursing education
within the multidisciplinary context of a
Jesuit university education. The mission
of the MSN program is to prepare nurses to
function in advanced roles in a variety of
health care settings. The MSN program seeks
to develop critical thinking and ethical-decision
making skills as primary skills needed by
all nurses in advanced roles." *****************************************************
McNeese State University / College of Nursing
(ADN, BSN, MSN):"Associate degree education prepares the graduate
to function as a beginning practitioner providing
direct care to persons as individuals and
members of a family in a structured health
care setting. Baccalaureate nursing education
prepares the graduate for entry into professional
practice as a generalist who cares for persons
as individuals and members of a family system,
as groups, and as communities in both structured
and unstructured health care settings. Masters
nursing education prepares a specialist practitioner
who cares for persons as individuals, as
family systems, as groups, and as communities
in structured or unstructured settings." *****************************************************
Nicholls State University / Department of
Nursing( ASN, BSN):"The University awards the Bachelor of Science
in Nursing (BSN) degree to those students
who successfully complete the program below.This
nursing program prepares the individual for
self directed practice, continuing growth
in professional nursing, and for formal graduate
study. The graduate serves as advocate and
provider of nursing services for clients
of all ages within family and community settings."
Northwestern State University of Louisiana
/ College of Nursing:"The RN to BSN and master’s programs continue
course offerings in the Alexandria area.
Recently, the NSU College of Nursing established
learning sites in Bunkie, Ferriday, Leesville
and Winnfield through compressed video technology.
In fall 1999, RN to BSN course offerings
were initiated via the Internet for those
diploma and associate degree graduates who
are interested in seeking a baccalaureate
degree." *****************************************************
Our Lady of Holy Cross College / Division
of Nursing (BSN):"As described in one of the Division's purposes,
those graduates are bringing compassion and
healing in the Catholic tradition of Jesus
and Mary, His Mother. The Division offers
a program of study leading to a Bachelor
of Nursing degree (B.S.N.). Our graduates
are qualified to take the licensure examination
for nurses. The division is approved by the
Louisiana State Board of Nursing and is accredited
by the National League for Nursing Accrediting
Commission." *****************************************************
Our Lady of the Lake College / Division of
Nursing (CNA, LPN, ASN, BSN, MSN):"Our Lady of the Lake College traces its origin
to 1923 when a small group of Franciscan
Missionaries of Our Lady arrived in Baton
Rouge and started both a hospital and a small
nursing school. In the 80 years between then
and now, that small nursing school has grown
into an institution widely recognized for
its specialized programs in the health sciences.
The first change was from a diploma school
of nursing to a two-year, associate degree
granting college in 1990. The second change
was in 1998 when baccalaureate degrees were
added. The first associate degrees were accredited
by the Southern Association of Colleges in
the early 1990s: bachelor degree programs
were added and became accredited beginning
in 1998. Various programs also hold National
certification by appropriate professional
organizations." *****************************************************
Southeastern Louisiana University /College
of Nursing:"SLU College of Nursing and Health Sciences,
School of Nursing prepares professional nurses
as caregivers and managers who provide leadership
to enhance the health of a diverse community-by
providing nursing education which incorporates
Nursing's professional standards of care
and professional performance; by promoting
research based nursing; by advocating an
improved health care delivery system to meet
the needs of a diverse community; and by
promoting the advancement of a profession."
Southern University and A&M College /
School of Nursing (BSN, MSN, PhD):"Southern University School of Nursing (SUSON)
was granted initial approval by the Louisiana
State Board of Nursing in 1985 and admitted
the first baccalaureate level students to
upper division courses in the fall of 1986.
The School of Nursing currently offers three
degrees: the bachelor of science in nursing
(BSN), the master of science in nursing with
a specialty in family health nursing (MSN)
and role options as administrator, educator
or family nurse practitioner, and the doctor
of philosophy with a major in nursing (PhD). The
school houses two academic departments (graduate
and undergraduate), the Office of Nursing
Research, the Learning Resource Center, and
the Nurse Managed Clinics." *****************************************************
The University of Louisiana at Monroe / College
of Nursing (BSN):"The School of Nursing at The University of
Louisiana at Monroe is located in the Nursing
building, directly across University Avenue
from the Administration building. The four-year
baccalaureate curriculum offers a pre-nursing
segment and a professional nursing segment."
University of Louisiana at Lafayette / College
of Nursing (BSN, MSN):"At the University of Louisiana at Lafayette,
our mission is to prepare students to assume
leadership roles in the advancement of the
practice of nursing and to be responsive
to the needs of culturally diverse consumers
of health care. The degrees offered by the
college include a bachelors of science in
nursing (BSN), a masters of science in nursing
(MSN), and a bachelors of science in dental
hygiene (BS), which is a joint degree in
affiliation with the School of Dentistry
at Louisiana State University Health Science
Center. At the undergraduate level, we offer
the Mobility In Nursing Education (MINE)
track, designed for RNs and LPNs. A fast-track
program for second degree seeking students
is also offered at the undergraduate level."
William Carey College / Nursing Program (BSN):"William Carey College off a variety of academic
programs at the undergraduate and graduate
levels. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing
(B.S.N.), and the Bachelor of General Studies
(B.G.S.). All undergraduate degrees require
at least 128 semester hours." *****************************************************
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Nursing Schools, Colleges of Nursing A to Z Index:
By State, Country: International Nursing Schools (Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland) Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut Nursing Schools, Delaware, District of Columbia (Washington), Florida, Georgia, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Missouri, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington State, West Virginia, Wisconsin See also: Mandatory BSN to practice nursing being considered:"Surely some of you have heard that New York is considering making a BSN degree mandatory in order to practice in that state. Given the nursing shortage and shortage of RN grads of any type what do you think about their plans?
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Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS):"Welcome to the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS). Throughout this website, we are pleased to share with you some of the exciting and rewarding opportunities that await you at CGFNS. We hold strong to the values of excellence, which have sustained CGFNS for almost a quarter of a century.
As we enter the new millennium, this is a critical time for the nation, for health professionals and for our organization and its divisions, the International Commission on Healthcare Professions (ICHP), the International Consulting and Educational Service (ICE), and the International Consultants of Delaware, Inc. (ICD). We are privileged to be in the public policy arena, helping to ensure that United States immigration policy is objective and effective." ******************************************************
The Nursing School Adviser, Paying for Your Nursing Education,"The expense of attending college is considerable and is increasing each year at a rate faster than most other products and services. In fact, the cost of a nursing education at a public four-year college can be more than $14,000 per year, including tuition, fees, books, room and board, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses. The cost at a private college or university, at either the graduate or the undergraduate level, can be more than $30,000 per year." ****************************************************** ******************************************************
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****************************************************** Useful Tips & Advice on: Applying To College See also
Nursing Faculty Salaries Post Continued Increases, AACN Survey Shows: Mostly Modest Gains, However, Come As Many Schools Work to Stem Faculty Shortages, includes chart "Average Salaries and Percentage Change for All Full-Time Nurse Faculty 1997-98 to 1998-99." ******************************************************
University of Salford School of Nursing (UK):"The School of Nursing is proud of its roots in the local health service and today retains close links with local NHS Trusts. The School works closely with clinicians from these Trusts and NHS purchasers of training in the planning, implementation and evaluation of sound educational and training programmes and provides an extensive mix of clinical experiences for students within general hospital, community, and specialist units in both the NHS and private sector organisations.
The main purpose of the School of Nursing is to offer a range of high quality education and training programmes for nurses which will enable them to promote healthy living and to maintain and develop quality care for their patients and clients. A fundamental objective is to produce nurses who are capable of adopting a reflective approach to practice, question orthodoxy and develop and evaluate new approaches to care to provide a cost-effective quality service to be able to cope with rapid technical, managerial, social and professional change.
University of Salford, Salford, Greater Manchester M5 4WT, UK. TELEPHONE +44 (0)161 295 5000 ****************************************************** ******************************************************
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